Contact us

We are always happy to engage with you. Please drop us an e-mail or call us.


Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information

At Africa Analysis we strive to deliver professional services that help you and your business grow.

  • Note that due to the COVID-19 impact, we have moved to a work-from-home environment.
  • We hold virtual meetings using various online collaboration tools. Please drop us a note should to wish to engage with us through a virtual meeting.
  • We do maintain an office in the business centre.
  • Where required, we do undertake physical meetings.
Main Office

Building 26, Suite 10, Cambridge Office Park,
5 Bauhinia Street, Highveld Techno Park,
Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa


Andre Wills:
Chris Ngwenyama:
Dobek Pater:
Hloni Mokenela: hloni@africaanalysis.coza
Ofentse Dazela:


Andre: +27 82 447 2278
Chris: +27 82 501 2345
Dobek: +27 83 306 2306
Hloni: +27 72 365 4600
Ofentse: +27 76 193 6691

Contact our experts

Thanks for your interest. How can we help?

We endeavor to respond to you as soon as possible and welcome any and all messages. Please provide the following information and a member of the team will get back to you.

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