Competitor Analysis

Africa Analysis is a Research and Analysis Consulting House. Since our inception in 2002, we have completed numerous projects in the ICT and xTech sectors across the African markets.

Africa Analysis has undertaken a range of competitor analysis projects.

Today’s competitors come in many different shapes and size, and often we don’t recognize competitors as competitors. The ability to identify your competitors and evaluate their strategies is a critical part of your company’s strategy. The ability to determine your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses relative to those of your own product or service goes a long way in helping you to better succeed in the market.

Completed projects

Examples of the projects that we have completed include

Africa Analysis undertook a study of six countries in East – Central Africa for a wholesale operator active in this region. The study included an analysis of the competitive market landscape in each of the countries, as well as enterprise / government end user research and analysis. The objective of the study was to map out the future demand for products and services, as well as provide inputs into the development of competitive positioning in the market for the client. Africa Analysis travelled to the respective markets to undertake extensive primary research with market players (operators / service providers) and to oversee end user research, and developed a set of reports containing the market analysis for the client. Major operator / service provider profiles were also developed per country. The six countries were: Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.

This study undertook an analysis of the business internet user market in a major East African market. The aim of the study was to assess the current state of the internet market (and the broader telecommunications market) in terms of a competitive market landscape, as well as products and services consumed in this market by the business users. The study also assessed the potential future need for a range of internet services and access technologies. Primary research was conducted in the market with all the major telecommunications operators, data network operators and internet service providers. A set of recommendations was developed for the client. The study enabled the client to determine the size of the opportunity and to begin developing possible market entry strategies.

Africa Analysis undertook two separate studies of the utility computing and storage markets. In both instances the analysis focused on analysing the competitive market landscape, primary target markets for such services offered by service providers, as well as a forecast of market growth and development over the medium term future. Market demand forecasting was an integral component of this analysis. Both projects provided the client with critical informational inputs into the decision making process on future market positioning.

The study involved primary and secondary market research to map out the current competitive market landscape in data centre services provision, determine likely future market developments, assess drivers and inhibitors in the uptake of data centre services among end-users. Primary research involved interviews with the major providers of data centre services in the country. Secondary research included identification of global industry trends, as well as current product and service offering in the local market. The analysis also provided input into primary end-user research undertaken to forecast the future level of demand for data centre services in the local market over the medium term. The outputs of this study assisted the client in development of his own data centre strategy.